// CPC
The Canadian Prophetic Council has released many words over the seasons. This page serves as an archive for many of those words (organized by year).
September 3rd, 2020 – A word to Canada’s Shepherds & Leaders / Call to 40 Day Fast for North America
A Word for Shepherds and Leaders – Kirk Smith – Facebook Video - https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1485834644945028
Call to 40 day fast – Kirk Smith - https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=312155866515225
Aug 4th, 2020 – CPC Release (Compilation of many words.)
In the spring we heard many people asking the question of, “When will life get back to normal in Canada?” The sense we have had is that there will be no getting back to life as normal - as in returning to life identical to what it was before.
COVID-19 has changed Canada and the world. It is important for each person, family, business, church and community to ask a new question, “How do we re-calibrate for the future?”
The answer to this question will be different for different people, regions and situations. Those that set their hearts before the Lord in this window and make the necessary adjustments will find themselves positioned for the Fall and the next year. Those that do not adjust may have some challenges to navigate ahead. It is critical to pray and obey in the walk of faith knowing that our Father’s leadership good and perfect.
Adjustments may include some people relocating or changing careers. This will be a season for the manifestation of maturity where each one will be led by the Father’s wisdom for their life, family and organization. This is not a season to follow templates of other organizations or from previous seasons. To do so could lead to wasted time and resources and cause people to be positioned incorrectly for the future.
God will give wisdom to those who seek it.
If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. - James 1:5
(Following is an excerpt of a word released by Marc Brisboi, one of the members of the CPC.)
God is retooling the Church for His original intent. By design we are meant to conquer darkness and pillage the very Gates of Hell. As such we are being prepared to reveal righteousness our enemy cannot withstand (Matthew 16:18). We can resist, but for this purpose we were born.
It seems the people God has chosen sometimes struggle with reluctance. Both the ancient Hebrews and our current generation have exhibited this pattern. In particular, we have been unwilling to go to war. The response of the Spirit of God is a surprise retooling. He has an intent He is unwilling to abandon.
Click here to read this entire word - https://www.watchmanchronicle.com/retooling-church-orignial-intent/
We are about to share some words in the next section that relate to Canada at large.
Before we do, we felt it was wisdom to point out that there is a difference between a word for the church in Canada, and a word to the nation of Canada.
No matter what happens in Canada’s future, God will be with His people. The harvest will continue and the church - even if persecuted in increasing measure - will continue and perhaps even increase in power. God’s covenant with His children is unbreakable.
God’s dealings with nations are different.
The nation that keeps covenant with the Lord will be blessed, the one that doesn’t will not. The following word more relates to “the nation of Canada” and gives the church a great call to release heaven’s potential within the governmental sphere at this time.
In 2017 Art Lucier, a member of the CPC, received a prophetic word that we had until Canada’s 153rd birthday, 2020, to see a shift in our nation.
The word was that if the church did not arise there was a chance that the Lord’s hand would be removed from our nation for a period of 30-40 years causing suffering to the people of Canada. Part of this would include the impacts of un-godly government.
This word was echoed in 2015 just prior to the last Federal Election by Cindy Jacobs where she saw scales and that the nation of Canada was about to tip one way, or another.
In this word she saw that if the scales tipped in a positive way that Canada would come into a season of blessing, if Canada did not tip in a positive way then we would descend into economic chaos among other things.
In addition, 2017 Cindy Jacobs also prophesied this:
“I am going to shake up both the provincial government and the federal government and it will be a new wine (season/reason?). As for those who have been in charge of anti-biblical values will be shocked, as they are tossed out of office. …There is an underground movement brewing and there will come a suddenly in the future. Those who are pro-abortion and anti-Israel are thrown out of office in a surprising national development.
The Lord says 'I am going to shock those who thought they had Canada sewn up for anti-biblical values'…God says 'The founders of this nation had a vision for a righteous nation and righteousness will rule in this nation once again.'
The Lord says 'This is conditional upon the church mobilizing the ecclesia to be a voice to get out to vote. You must get out and work. Politics is not a dirty word says the Lord, it is only a vehicle I can reveal my glory through. For have I not said that Government will be upon my shoulders?'"
We believe that this word was for the last federal election but that it still stands. During the last federal election many did vote and volunteer however the nation did not hit its tipping point for righteousness in government at that time.
We believe we could very well be in the 11th hour of this word and that in the next month it is critical for the church to awaken not only to prayer and fasting but into “getting out to work and to vote.”
It may just be that because of the various National Days of Prayer, the launch of the Canadian Fire Wall and other prayer initiatives this year have extended our window of grace in this 153rd year, but if that window is extended it is to give us a chance an opportunity to move now forward. Given that the above words were conditional we recognize that we could still see the nation shifted if we respond.
The most obvious current application is for members of the Conservative Party of Canada to vote for righteousness in the current Leadership race. The person who wins this race will likely be Canada’s 24th Prime Minister - or minimally a significant player in Canada’s future.

(NOTICE: This is not an endorsement of the Conservative Party unilaterally but rather an encouragement for those who are members of this party to engage in helping ensure the best candidate possible is elected.)
There is a very strong sense that there will be more strong shakings in the days ahead for Canada and the world. It is critical that Canada has strong leadership that can help us weather the storms still to come.
Believers should consider the call to pray and work (volunteer) for the most godly outcome possible in this election which is currently underway. We encourage all Conservative Party members to get informed and exercise their democratic power by returning their ballot.
As Cindy Jacob’s prophesied, “politics is not a dirty word,” but rather one of the spheres of society where God has called His people to shine and to influence.
The above words are heavy in their implication for this and for future generations. With this in mind we want to encourage everyone reading this to respond in faith, and hope that as we respond in prayer and prayerful action we can see our nation shift.
In this hour of human history God will have a people who arise to the new normals of the days ahead with faith, power and love to navigate their families and communities forward.
Now is a time to move forward understanding that we are in serious days, but that as our eyes remain fixed on Him that He will lead us forward by His hand of wisdom. In the days ahead many will shine, “…like the brightness of the heavens, and [will lead] many to righteousness…” (Daniel 12:3).
There is a call to re-establish prayer, worship and the “altar of the Lord” in our homes and families. COVID-19 has been used by the Lord to re-calibrate many families in a positive way. It is heaven’s heart that this would not only continue, but grow. There is a strong call for families to pray together, study the word together and take communion together. This will bring great strength to families for the days ahead.
On July 1st there was a day of prayer that launched the Canadian Fire Wall.
During this day of prayer Dr. Ed Silvoso released this word to Canada:
“We don’t have 3 years, all we have is 3 months. If you are obsessed with the building and getting back you will miss it. You will miss it…Constantine is the one who put the church in buildings when he conquered Rome and gave a palace to the Bishop of Rome….oh church, arise and shine…God is raising apostolic leaders…
Canada is so beautiful. The Canadian people are so beautiful. The church is so rich if you look at the people that are on the screen right now…but I submit that we only have 3 months to mobilize…2 or 3 people gathered in the name of Jesus around His manifest presence with the Lord leading them to pray the prayers that He’s praying at the right hand of the Father so the Father will answer those prayers - with the authority to bind and release - bind curses and release blessings….
…picture with me 1 million Canadian homes where the presence of God dwells every minute…and now picture virtue coming out of that house reaching out to 5 neighbours to the right and 5 to the left.
The shadow of Peter was able to carry the anointing - how much more the internet, how much more WhatsApp?…you have a very important election coming up in Canada…and at this moment we need the church to rise up and model Christ taking care of the needy, the poor, the disenfranchised, the prisoner and the widows…Canada can model this better than any nation in the world. You are a mercy nation.
Picture now a million Canadian homes…around the manifest presence of Jesus…going back, going back to the roots of the church - breaking bread and fellowshipping, praying and discussing the doctrine of the apostles and permeating neighbourhoods all over in Canada so that when you have an election the heavens will be open and people will choose righteously and when the righteous rule there is peace in the land.
…You only have 3 months, only 3 months, if you don’t get out of the boat and face the wind and walk on water and sink and be rescued by Jesus the boat will capsize. It will be 3 months. Only 3 months.”
Over the past months there has been a very strong emphasis of the Spirit to pray in tongues.
Those that operate in this gifting should consider setting aside time daily to pray in the spirit intentionally and exercise this gift throughout the day. As Canadian Christians from sea to sea increase the use of praying in tongues in this key window for Canada. It will do something significant in the spirit realm.
This will release a protection over the nation, cause things to shift and cause mindsets to change and will cause believers to be built up to stand with sobriety of mind and understanding for the times.
This is a time to pray in tongues.
If you do not have this gift but would like it, simply ask Holy Spirit to give it to you or seek out someone who has the gift that can pray with you to receive it.
This is a moment for the praying church to rise up and declare that the enemy will not be able to trigger anything prematurely in terms of end time evil.
There is a call for a critical mass of believers, operating as one, to go above everything that the enemy is attempting to please and to see things released from heaven’s perspective and agenda.
Mathew 24: 9-14 is being highlighted right now. In the last days Jesus warned that many would be offended, would turn away from the faith, would betray each other and the love of many would grow cold.
“Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me. At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come."
With the racial tension, political tensions and tensions surrounding mandatory vaccinations and wearing (or not) of masks - there are many opportunities for disagreement and offence.
In this hour believers are called to model a different spirit.
We are called to love, forgive, believe the best and keep the fruits of the spirit in all things. There is a strong warning not to allow our hearts to become offended and hard. This is a time for believers to burn with the love of Jesus, even for those that curse, hate and persecute them.
God is creating eagles’ nests in Canada through the re-positioning of leaders and ministries into key clusters for national purpose. These “eagles’ nests” are prophetic, prayer and apostolically oriented communities of faith. Some of these will be newly established eagles’ nests, some will be renewals of old ones.
In July of 2020 the spirit of the Lord came heavily on one of the CPC members, Kirk Smith, with a word which has been titled, “A call to burn at the Eastgate.” In this call Kirk released a word inviting people with burning hearts to come to the eastern gate of Canada to intercede for the nation.
Watch word here - https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=623998141549632
In all this we are very encouraged by many who have taken to online outreach to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ. Many Canadians are coming to faith in Christ through internet outreach right now.
After getting off of a call led by Dr. Ed Silvoso this morning with almost 1000 Transformational Leaders from many nations, I felt compelled to write down in black and white prophetic words that I have been sharing for the past few years about what is coming.
Since the late 1980’s, God has revealed that “He knows what is coming, He knows the days that are ahead of us . . . and the enemy will come to kill, steal and destroy, with wars and rumors of wars . . . but an overcoming generation will arise, loving not their lives unto death . . . and they will do signs and they will do wonders and they will change society” (excerpted from Xtreme Disciples and Elijah Revolution audio CDs – download available from wesleystaceycampbell.com). Also, God showed me that the days of greater works and greater love were coming (verified by a supernatural sign in my own family – ‘Judah will go first.’).
Since 2013, I have been preaching everywhere that a monumental shift is coming to the world, a shift greater than we have seen in 500 years. I described that communication was about to change (from personal to virtual), economic systems were about to change (to digital economies), and especially that the dominant superpower of our era (the USA) would lose its #1 position and be replaced by China, and influenced by a great economic boom in Africa. I gave several reasons for this shift, not the least of which is the impact of the suffering Church, leading many to righteousness, and the explosive growth of the middle class of Africa.
However, two and a half years ago, in 2017, I began to have explicit personal prophetic signs that the Church was moving into a whole new era. God showed me that once this era hit, we “would not be able to go to the past” to get into the new. Everything would function differently that it had in the past seasons, and that “some of it would have never been done before.” Again, I preached this everywhere I went. We are moving into an era unlike never before. We need new models for the Church, new mindsets for the future, new economic paradigms for nations, new governmental structures to contain what is coming. This new era will accelerate very quickly into an almost unrecognizable way of doing life, compared to the last century (centuries). This new era will be brought about by military power, digital economies, and a shift in the way technology monitors human interaction. There will be war. But “He knows what is coming . . . .”
Elements of the new era will include:
The demise of the US as the ‘Lead Nation’ of the earth
The rapid rise of China taking over that position through economic and, possibly, military advances
The change in the structure of the Church (the immediate need for millions of Ekklesias as the Church will be forced both by government and economics to change from a location-based movement, to a people-based relational and discipleship movement, meeting anywhere and everywhere and influencing the society around us.
A huge shift in global economics. New currencies being traded globally. The end of raw capitalism as we have known it (ie: profit for “the sole benefit of the shareholders” as per Milton Friedman) will be replaced by biblical economics (blessed to be a blessing) in some nations and absolute corruption in others (sheep and goat nations). The next 10 years will be critical in discipling nations into biblical economics as the world goes into an economic crisis.
A huge shift in how the Church does discipleship. “Like Daniel was in the middle of Babylon, like Joseph was in the middle of Egypt, like John the Baptist was in the middle of the religious . . . “ God is embedding His tested leaders into high places of national influence, going to “kings” and providing solutions from the midst of the chaos that will be part of the great, global shift.
The great danger in this interim time as things are transitioning will be:
to move into fear (hence, lose sight of what God is doing and not seize the hour to make disciples of people and nations).
to do nothing, waiting for things to go back to “business as usual.”
I believe that the local churches who do not seize this transition time to seek God for His new wineskins, will lose their voice (at least for a season) and their capacity to disciple nations. The Church must use the new virtual communications that have exploded during the pandemic to reach more people than ever before.
GOD IS ADVANCING! ASLAN IS ON THE MOVE! The world will be fearful, but the Church must be full of faith.
Like moving from the agrarian economy to the industrial economy, this economic shift will create new billionaires and trillion dollar companies. God is looking for people who can handle a massive wealth increase without being corrupted by it. “The Lord is a searching God . . . “
Possibly the most important thing for believers is to move into new ways of thinking, producing new ways of doing things. Is this the time spoken of in Daniel 12? Are we entering a ‘time of distress such as the world has never seen’ (Daniel 12:1), where those who are wise and those who lead many to righteousness (Daniel 12:3, and 11b) will emerge? When the books that have been sealed up (Daniel 12) are opened? Regardless, there will need to be new mindsets for the new era. We need fresh, dynamic revelation from God on how to disciple nations because nations are about to be transformed the world over as a new superpower, with different values, gods, and ideologies, takes the stage. How will the Church relate to these governments? There are dark days and glorious days ahead simultaneously.
The new era is already here, but only in infancy. There are more global hits to come (first the pandemic, followed by economic crash and military initiatives). Though the Lord has not spoken to me personally about this, many prophets are saying the fall of 2020 will see another round of global unrest. There is an urgency to the timing to change the way we do things. God bringing specific revelation to those who are seeking Him for it, on how to create new containers for the times. The revelation of Ekklesia is key for the future. The power to create wealth (Deut. 8:18) as a key power in the transition. God is giving this power to those who will use it to change nations. And God is embedding Joseph/Daniel-type leaders to influence China, as she moves to take center stage.
Jan 25th, 2020 – CPC Release (Compilation of many words.)
We have not only crossed into a new decade, but we have also crossed over into an entirely new era of upgrade where everything changes.
2020 will be a year of glorious changes. Change is a guarantee in life, but the “glorious” factor is not. As we position ourselves in love and unity, the oil from heaven will be released over us, birthing glorious changes. (Is. 61:3 & Ps. 133)
Coming out of the past season, there have been some who have experienced broken dreams, have taken wrong turns or have been mourning wasted years. The Spirit is saying, “You can change!” This is a year with a new grace released to get on track with Jesus. How we do church, how we do ministry and how we engage with the world around us must not be framed by the defaults of the old season because they will not yield the same fruit as they had in the past. Many attitudes and indulgences of the flesh from previous seasons cannot be tolerated in what we are presently entering. As we shift more deeply into the fear of the Lord, we must be far more careful to walk softly.
A large part of this "getting back on track" for many will have to do with restoring hunger and a fresh passion to pursue God with all our hearts, souls, minds and strength. He is wanting to renew first love in this season to strengthen us and anchor us for what is to come.
Part of the new era shift we are experiencing will transition how we relate to one another. In this season in Canada, there will be a galvanization of relationships for a great advancing. Some, who have been connected together in the past, will feel a heightened call to gather intentionally throughout the year with a strategic focus. Senior leadership in ministry, in both the church and the marketplace will move in unity to apply creative solutions to increasingly heightened problems, effectively making headway by enforcing peace over the chaos.
In 1979, when Bob Jones died and was before the Lord, one of the things the Lord spoke to him was as follows:
“I’m going to bring one billion youth to myself in one of the greatest awakenings of all time. I’m going to glorify myself beyond anything that’s ever happened, and everything that’s ever been done in Scripture, I’m going to repeat it thousands and thousands of times.” Bob would often speak of this encounter of the billion-soul harvest, and he would say, “I believe it will begin in the year of 2020.”
Steve Witt saw in 1985 that 2020 was going to be a significant year.
Kenneth Copeland shared that the Lord spoke to him about 2020 in an unprecedented way. He was shown there would be a great move of the Spirit, especially among the young - a new Jesus Movement birthed in our time.
2020 is the 153rd year since Canada’s Confederation. In the year of Canada’s 153rd birthday, the voice of the church will be used to call in the harvest of John 21 and we will begin to see the manifestation of the 153 fish miracle.
In 2019, we anticipated a season where God was going to anoint a whole new wave of evangelists, those who would give themselves to evangelism as a vocation. This trend will continue in 2020, providing opportunity for the organized church to support and to provide backing (including financially) to these emerging evangelists. There will be a renewed commitment to the Great Commandment and the Great Commission.
In 2020, salvations will be seen from very unexpected people groups within the culture, leading to an increase of transformation within society. Many new believers will catch an immediate fire for evangelism as well as transformation and they will have a tremendous impact within their spheres of influence. What has happened with Kanye West will continue to ripple and other next generation influencers will also be anointed to proclaim the gospel with boldness. The call of the Spirit to those who have been in Christ for years will be to pray, encourage, and come alongside these next generation believers. When we see God anointing unconventional vessels, we must resist the urge to criticize that which we don’t understand and instead, bless and give thanks to God for the move of His Spirit that is breaking out through these chosen ones.
Much of the greatest move of harvest and transformation in our nation will be through the business sphere and through youth and young adult led movements on campuses. There is a call to pray for both these groups of people. Let us pray for a massive outbreak of the Holy Spirit's fire to be released through them in power.
Exodus 23:28-30 is a strong verse for spheres in our nation where ungodly influences have been entrenched. It says,
"I will send the hornet ahead of you to drive the Hivites, Canaanites and Hittites out of your way. But I will not drive them out in a single year, because the land would become desolate and the wild animals too numerous for you. Little by little I will drive them out before you, until you have increased enough to take possession of the land."
A new group of forerunners have been commissioned into some of our nation's most challenging frontiers in recent years and months. They are making headway as true pioneers and preparing the way for others to follow in this season for our nation. The forerunners do their part but they alone cannot cause territory to be fully occupied. There is an 'increasing' that the Holy Spirit is calling for in the church in Canada.
This increasing has to do with coming out of shells and Christian subcultures into the main fray of some of the most challenging spheres of our nation. As the church does this, there will be massive shift in spheres in our nation but it requires engagement both in prayer and in practical ways. This is a season to add feet to our prayers in ways we have not done before. This is also where the apostolic and prophetic will meet in a powerful way in this season. This word is not for just one or two, but God is looking for an 'increase' in Canada through every person in the Body taking their place. This will be uncomfortable for those who have been conditioned into self focused, entertainment oriented, expressions of their faith in the past season.
The voice is coming back to the church this year.
2020 is the year to see more, hear more and to release more. A people prepared in God’s secret place are emerging into the “seen” place. Greater revelation will release a greater faith and the spirit of prophecy will be unleashed in a new measure. Declarations will shift atmospheres and set plans and assignments in motion that have remained dormant (even past due). Boldness and a refusal to be intimidated by a spirit of fear will come like a roar. It will fuel breakthroughs and the resulting fresh, divine encounters will impact many situations and spheres outside the walls of the organized church.
Isaiah 48:6-7 (ESV)
"From this time forth I announce to you new things, hidden things that you have not known. They are created now, not long ago; before today you have never heard of them..."
That which has been hidden, will be seen. Mysteries of the ages will be revealed by the sovereign Lord and new things shall be created (invented) releasing a greater dimension of God’s glory. The words which He is releasing will be quickly fulfilled, the speed will often take us by surprise.
As believers step up to a new level of releasing their sound, shockwaves will reverberate bringing devastation to the enemies’ communications capabilities, literally setting them back, up to three generations.
Many pastors in particular are coming into a new place of leadership boldness even now.
Many in the Body of Christ who have been through seasons of intense warfare will experience tangible healing in their hearts and lives this year.
A 20/20 hindsight will give a fresh insight which will facilitate a healing and a resolution within our personal journeys. We will be able to look backwards with fresh eyes to reframe situations that were difficult, to reclaim where we have encountered losses and to reposition where we experienced relational dysfunctions. There will be a grace to repent and a courage to course correct. Bridges will be built, estrangements will be dissolved and new networks will emerge.
The beauty of humility is coming into view and with it, access to the presence of the Lord in an unheard of measure. As humility gives access to all who embrace it, many will draw near. God faithfully showers grace on the humble and in turn, this grace will open new doors of opportunity. The deep secret power and access to the Kingdom of Heaven afforded by humility will increase significantly. No longer mistaken for weakness, meekness will take on a glow, an attraction, a wonderful air and the beauty that it deserves.
As we continually consecrate ourselves and draw near to Him, who is the source of all power; both miracles of healing and provision will flow. We must continue to keep our hearts open, seeking and hungry.
Many in the Body of Christ who have been through seasons of intense warfare will experience tangible healing in their hearts and lives this year.
A 20/20 hindsight will give a fresh insight which will facilitate a healing and a resolution within our personal journeys. We will be able to look backwards with fresh eyes to reframe situations that were difficult, to reclaim where we have encountered losses and to reposition where we experienced relational dysfunctions. There will be a grace to repent and a courage to course correct. Bridges will be built, estrangements will be dissolved and new networks will emerge.
The beauty of humility is coming into view and with it, access to the presence of the Lord in an unheard of measure. As humility gives access to all who embrace it, many will draw near. God faithfully showers grace on the humble and in turn, this grace will open new doors of opportunity. The deep secret power and access to the Kingdom of Heaven afforded by humility will increase significantly. No longer mistaken for weakness, meekness will take on a glow, an attraction, a wonderful air and the beauty that it deserves.
As we continually consecrate ourselves and draw near to Him, who is the source of all power; both miracles of healing and provision will flow. We must continue to keep our hearts open, seeking and hungry.
There are Simeon’s and Anna’s across the land who have heard from the Lord that they will see the promises of God fulfilled in their lifetime. The older generation has persevered in fasting and prayer for the plans of God and they have refused to let go of what they have been shown.
There is an honour and a reward coming to these “carriers of the promise.” The days of isolation and alienation and even loneliness in carrying the promises of God are coming to the point of fulfillment. In this season, many will see the early stages of what they have believed for, longed for and prayed for start to come to pass in their generations.
There is a call to a deeper holiness and purity that is going to sweep through the Body of Christ. Our eyes will see the beauty of Jesus’s holiness and this irresistible brilliance will cause us to “hate every evil way.” There will be a powerful grace for deep repentance and as we press into it, we’ll see laid bare, the hidden motivations of our hearts that have held back what He could do through us or entrust us with. It’s an exciting time where repentance won’t be a show, nor will it be religious works, but it will be a response to the Spirit’s life-giving prodding.
The Lord is about to pour out the new wine - the increased level of revelation, anointing, fire, signs, wonders and revival. But the preparation of the wineskin has to do with the preparation of the heart. A heart that burns for Jesus in passionate love is also a heart that longs for purity and holiness. A greater purity will release a tremendous deliverance anointing.
Rev. 22:14
“Blessed are those who wash their robes, so that they may have the right to the tree of life and that they may enter the city by the gates.”
Much of the battle for Canada centres around truth. Godly foundations and benchmarks will be established as the body uncovers and then stands on His eternal truths. Isaiah 60 will unfold – a deep darkness will be seen on the earth but also a greater glory covering the earth and His people.
The days ahead of us are going to be more glorious than anything we have known, and even more than we have dreamt. It is time to give every effort into stewarding our gifts, opportunities and functions for the kingdom, and for the glory of God.