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In 2022 the Canadian Prophetic Council has come into a restructuring phase.  A new leadership core is being formed, those hosting regional prophetic companies are intentionally connecting to hear the word of the Lord together, the Canadian Leaders Prophetic Network has been launched, and gatherings are planned for 2023.


To stay connected with the CPC going forward, please sign up for the email list here.



What It Is / What It Isn't

The Canadian Prophetic Council is....​


  • a relationally connected group of Christian leaders from across Canada who value the Biblical New Testament function of the prophetic to bring strength to the Body of Christ and bring insight for the times


  • a relationally oriented group of Christian leaders that intentionally connect together to pray for Canada, share and release prophetic words when led


The Canadian Prophetic Council is not...


  • the only prophetic group in Canada, many denominations and streams throughout Canada have other, powerful expressions of prophetic ministry that the CPC respects, values and applauds


  • a gate-keeper group that tests all words prophetic ministries release to the nation before they are released; if someone has a word for the nation, they are encouraged to share it with those they walk in relational accountability to


  • a personal prophetic ministry that gives personal words, we encourage believers to connect in their local church for personal prophetic ministry


Core Values

The following is a list of core values that all leaders who walk with the CPC are asked to adhere to...​


  • belief in the supremacy of the Word of God as expressed through the Bible​​

  • prophetic words should be weighed and tested by the hearer

  • humility is an important virtue for anyone functioning in the prophetic

  • prophetic ministries should walk in relational connection with others in the Body of Christ

  • prophetic ministers should be rooted in a local church


Current Structure

The Canadian Prophetic Council has a three-circle structure:


  • Core Leadership Team -- A team of senior leaders who help steer the vision and activities of the CPC.


  • Regional Captains Team -- A group of leaders who lead prophetic groups in their region, province or sphere of influence. 


  • Canadian Leaders Prophetic Network -- A group of national leaders that regularly communicate via chat and who gather periodically. 



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